Thursday, March 22, 2012

And Carnival Planning is Underway!

Members present Teresa Wenstrand, Missy Torbett, Katie Schmid, Sonia Kunze, Barb Sims, Gayle Allensworth, Missy Stickland, Melanie Sifford, Amanda Serna, Leah Mensen, Dawn LeRette, Jackie DeVries, Kelly Jones, Arryn Blomstedt, Melinda Smits, Becky Dolch

1. Meeting called to order at 4:59pm by President Christy Bennett

2. Any updates other than Carnival?

a. Fun Run update

i. Having a fun run in April, Melanie Sifford will contact Jen Bruce to set this up.

ii. Inman only, Washington participates in Track and Field Day in May

3. Carnival Committee updates

a. Missy Torbett and Teresa Wenstrand-Prizes

i. Prize table this year opposed to each game having a prize

ii. A handout was given to show break down of # of tokens with price for items

iii. Students can purchase prize if necessary (ex: student has 5 tokens but wants something that is 8 tokens the student could pay $X for the difference)

iv. Quote from promotional concepts on tokens

1. 500 tokens, 1,000, etc

2. Could we reuse the tokens?

a. As tokens are turned in to prize table could send back to games

3. Plastic bag to keep prizes in

a. Bag with sponsors names on the back

b. Give bags for every $10 worth of tokens?

b. Games-Sara Johnson and Angie Brittan

i. Letters have been sent out to service organizations and an email has been sent to Jen Bruce to forward to staff members

ii. Pretty much same games

1. Every grade level has a game, specials together on a game

2. 1 ticket/game

c. Food-Linda Guerra and Missy Stickland

i. Hy-Vee and Fareway are donating all food

ii. Pork Producers will cook for us again

iii. Christy to ask Jedd Westover to cook

iv. $8/pizza by Pizza Hut

v. Price listing the same

vi. Adding a walking taco or sloppy joes

1. Linda asked Sharon Foote about prices for items through the school.

a. Not this year, possibly next year

2. Volunteers at the door to not allow food and drinks out of the cafeteria

a. 4-H groups help with this?

vii. Needs plates, napkins, cups, spoons

d. Donations-Dawn LeRette and Jackie DeVries

i. Raised about $500

ii. Letters have gone out for donations

iii. All donations given, let Jackie DeVries know who donated so it can go on the Thank You list

e. It was brought up as to why we were purchasing supplies from Sam’s instead of local when all of these businesses are donating so much

i. Will ask about price matching by local businesses

f. Volunteers-Heather Hall

i. It was discussed that one person or committee by in charge of contacting people for volunteers and Heather volunteered to head this up

ii. The IPS office staff will help with this as well

iii. A note will go home asking for volunteers, cakes to donate, etc

iv. Ask HS groups such as Letterman’s Club for volunteers

v. Whenever activities, food, etc knows how many volunteers they need, let Heather know

g. Baskets-Jen Bruce-Shelly Spotts gave update

i. Will get started after Spring Break

h. Activities-Melanie Sifford and Abby Couse

i. Tatoos

1. $180 for 2hrs and $80 for an additional hour

2. We need to charge at least $3/tattoo, have done $5 in the past

ii. Frisbee art-no charge other than cost of frisbees, can do 4 frisbees at a time

1. Our fee is $2/Frisbee, charge at least $3

iii. Tammy McFarland is DJing/Karaoke

1. If you have music selections let Abby or Melanie know

iv. Optimist is doing Bounce House and Plinko

v. Carmen for Hair

vi. Cheerleaders for nails-still need to ask

vii. Watkins for Bounce House

viii. Football players are doing obstacle course

ix. Plenty of coloring pages, but no crayons

1. We can find crayons

x. Abby has donated her time for making play dough

xi. Possibly another obstacle course from the National Guard

xii. Have we ever auctioned off cookies or pies, etc that the students have decorated?

1. Stanton has parents purchase supplies, HS FCS makes the baked goods, and the elementary students decorate them

2. Not in conjunction with carnival, but another activity

3. Let’s keep this as a possibility for a different event

xiii. In another school there is a “hospital”

1. They had nurse beds, gauze, fake blood, etc

2. Brian Couse could donate gauze and wraps if we wanted to do it

xiv. Toilet Toss

1. Toss toilet paper into the toilet

xv. Teresa Euken will have the classes create signs for all games

xvi. Flyers have been created and need to be colored

1. 4th grade will color the flyers this year

2. Flyers will be given to Barb and need to be out in the community by the end of April

Any other comments?


April 10th is the next meeting at 5pm.

Meeting adjourned at 5:53pm