Tuesday, September 14, 2010

PTO Meeting September 14th Minutes

In attendance: Christy Bennett, Leah Mensen, Kelly Maynes, Melanie Sifford, Teresa Wenstrand, Kim Bond, Amy Schmadeke, Jenny Johnson, Deb Graber, Sue Chelsvig, Jen Bruce, Abby Couse, Buck Laughlin, Ann Stewart and Angela Ceder.

It was discussed about changing meeting time to 5:30 but was voted to leave it at 5:00.

As of right now - we have sold $50,000 worth of trashbags. We will sell trashbags and shirts at Spring Conferences. Pick up dates for trashbags will be October 8th and 9th at the GOLD FAIR BUILDING! There will be an assembly in October 8th to announce the trashbag Top 10. Inman will be at 8:45 and Washington at 9:15. Every student that sold trashbags will get a prize.

We will be having a Box Top competition running from September 27th - October 15th.

Altrusa wants to do something with Sunny D! The gallon size labels - if we collect 20 labels = 10 books. Please drink and save Sunny D labels and turn them into teachers or to the schools.

Food for conferences will be September 27th. We will be doing Soups and Bars. If you would like to help with this - please contact Christy Bennett. The schools will be doing the clean up after conferences so please take your things in either disposable containers or label your container with your name very clearly.

PTO will continue to bur books for each student at the book fair.

Election of officers went as follows:
Christy Bennett - President
Leah Mensen - Vice President
Shona Bruno - Treasurer
Kelly Maynes - Secretary
Jen Bruce - Box Tops

Next meeting will be JANUARY 11TH @ 5:00 AT INMAN PRIMARY IN MEDIA CENTER.